Jul 06, 2005 03:30
It's been a few days since my last post and there's quite a bit to recap on, so here we go:
I closed the store in the Office for my second night on my own. It went far better than the first. I never took a break for my entire 8 and a half hour shift, but I managed to get everything done. It was just a pain in the ass because I had so many drawers to count and balance...damn having all of the registers open for the holiday weekend!
Went to the funeral for my childhood friend. Mad depressing, and all-around sad. His parents were surprised and very happy to see both my mom and I there. That morning made me think about a number of things, and I think it was good for me to have been there. I ended up remembering some things that had been nearly forgotten. My heart still goes out to the family, but I think that they're handling it as best as they possibly can at this point. Saw Brian there. Turns out, he got married and moved to California over the last few months. I guess that would explain why he was never home when I would drive by or why he would never answer his phone.
After the funeral, I had to go into work for the usual 2:30-11 shift in the Office. It wasn't bad until I had to balance my last two drawers. Those girls did something weird because one was $50.00 short and one was $50.00 over. I had to call Marla and leave her the drawers to figure out in the morning. I had some rather irate customers at the Service Desk too. Some guy wanted to return several items that he bought weeks before and then have me sell them to him for the sale price advertised this week. What a coniving, unethical bastard! Needless to say, we butted heads when I refused to honor his request, and it turns out that this was the tenth time he had come into the store to try and do this. But of course, I was like "Notz."
Then I closed the store and our new assistant manager Josh locked his car keys in the office. We couldn't get back in because the one door was being really weird so my Fourth of July ended with me driving a half hour to take him home, and a half hour back to my house. That was interesting to say the least. I came home and talked to Courtney on the phone, and it turns out she's missing home hardcore. Poor girl, it's her first time ever away from home, and she wants to come back a week early. She might do just that and be here this weekend...who knows. Afterwards Tanya and I sat on the porch and talked while watching the awesome thunderstorm that we had that night.
What really irked me about this Fourth of July was that I missed out on my family's get together. It started right after I had to go into work, and I didn't get to do anything fun that whole day. Because of the shift I'm on, I've barely seen my mom and the majority of my family in days. My mom's sleeping all day when I'm up before I go to work, and she's leaving for work when I come home.
Slept in, and relaxed for a bit. Today was my first day off in a while. I went to Buffalo and hung out with Rob for the afternoon. It was GT. We ran into so many YYYYAAAAAHS and flaming gay guys. Rob and I could barely hold back from making fun of all of them. I wanted this Blood Brothers shirt they had at YYYYAAAHSVILLE but lo and behold, they only had youth larges...sounds about right to me. Fucking indie/screamo kids with their damn emaciatedness. The shirt was so beauty too. I ended up buying the new Foo Fighters album because I have nowhere to buy it from around me. I listened to the first disk on the ride home: so beauty. I like the acoustic disk as well. A double-disk album for seventeen bucks, I think that was a reasonable price. I'm kinda regretting not buying that VHS version of "Dawn of the Dead" now, it looked really weird and like it might be worth something someday. The trippy rainbow zombie design on it was just crazy...I dunno.
After I got home, Tanya and I rented some movies. If you guys haven't seen "Hide and Seek" yet, I highly recommend it. Seriously the best new horror/suspense movie that I've seen in a long time. I wasn't a fan of the ending in the final cut, but the alternate endings were amazing. There's a new special edition of "American Psycho" out, I so have to see it.
In other news, I'm starting to feel a lot better about somethings. I've really taken some strides with maintaining a more positive outlook on life. "Find the joy" as a friend of mine says. Despite the fact that I've been working so much and haven't seen my family much either, I've been trying to just be happy that I'm working, making money, and seeing the people I care about when I can. For the first time in a long time I can say that I genuinely feel good about myself and my life. There are some things that I wish weren't the way that they are right now, but for the most part they are out of my control, or the effects of my own actions. At this point it seems as if everyone is caught up in their own worlds, and for the most part, I believe that it's a good thing. I'm happy to read that things on the whole are well for most of you. But everyone has their problems, and dramas that have to be dealt with, and only time and some energy can make those things better. Dwelling on the negative only does more damage than it does to make one feel better. But boy does misery love company. A little bit of hope can do some powerful things, and that's one thing that I've learned not to take for granted or disregard anymore.
Seeing Rob today helped out. It was the first time I had seen one of my close guy friends in a very long time. It did good to talk about different things that we are going through, and overall I think the day was a nice break from the ennui of boredom, loneliness, family issues, and working. Hopefully I can meet up with everyone at least once, but who knows with work schedules and such. If not, then there will be something going down for my birthday again this year. I don't know what, because it's a little early to be thinking about it yet.
A family trip to Waldamere Park in Erie is coming up near the end of the month, along with Warped Tour. I guess Tanya is going to go with me this time around. It should be fun, there's a few bands I'd really like to see.
Oh yeah, I forgot to talk about how we're getting our pool reinstalled this week. I don't know how it's going to fit in our backyard, but yeah my above ground pool is going in! That will be nice to have especially since this summer has been so hot thus far.