Title: Conversations and Consequences
Pairing: Nate/Eliot, past Eliot/Moreau
Rating: PG
Word Count: 6638
Warnings: Spoilers for S4
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I would share with you if it was, promise.
Summary: Once upon
a time, Eliot and Moreau were more than just a client and a hitter,
When Eliot discovers that Moreau has shared this information with Nate,
he's mortified. Nate, however, is intrigued.
Thanks: to
lmx_v3point3 for feedback, betaing and encouragement.
A/N: Written for the
leverageland minibang challenge for teamhitter. Based on a prompt identical to the summary by
sheryden at the prompt fest. I hope it's at least somehow how you wanted it. This is my first Leverage fic, so be warned. Parts in Italics
are flashbacks.
Fic over here