. The standard warnings apply for "The 10 Li'L Grifters Job". Thar be spoilers here, so, if you don't want to experience the euphoria in communal squeeage or don't want to be spoiled, this post isn't as suitable for you!
Want immediate squee with your fellow comm members? Just go to our
chatzy chatroom ! We had a ton of fun last week! The password is nate (no capitalization).
UPDATE ON THE PROMPT CONTEST: 21 pages of prompts! You guys are awesome! Now, I don't know how to fix the header of this journal so I can link my personal journal (where the prompts will be) up there immediately, so if you have a clue, please drop me a line.
MOD SEARCH: As some of you may not know, my co-mod
courtberger is expecting her first child. Understandably, she isn't as active here any more. In the meantime, I really do need help with episode talk, any writing fests, and things behind the scenes that make
nate_eliot great! If you're interested (or have any cool ideas to help the comm), don't hesitate to contact me via Inbox.
Cheers and happy episode watching!
(I really like this .gif, haha!)