Mar 29, 2005 13:47
I'm trying to grasp God's grace and I can't... its like the second I understand it, I then realize there is yet another dimension of it that I may never fully comprehend. And thats ok. But everyone who knows me knows that I run. I run from people, and recently i relized i run from God. It came to the point where I realized that sometimes I just wish God would stop loving me because I let Him down so much and I know I will continue to in the future. And at that point I realized I didn't know how to live under grace. I'm still trying to earn God's love in some aspect. I know I can't, I know it, but I don't live like it. Otherwise I'd be ok with the broken, utterly imperfect person that I am. But instead I try to hide it, afraid I won't be loved. But anyways, the song only yours, I swear was written for me. when it says "when i run, You will chase me down, so I lay me down and worship you my king." Every time I back off from God, he comes and gets me again. The emptiness and unsatisfaction creeps up and I'm yet again back at the foot of the cross, where I belong, fully satisfied and wondering why I ever left... I can't run, he won't let me get away... So my heart and my life and mind have been under major construction lately. I can't even explain it, I'm "finding myself" again as cheesy as that is, and it's weird. But i have a peace I haven't felt in a long time...and for that I am thankful. God is so good, I look around and see Him moving in the lives of the people around me, my family and friends, and I can't deny his goodness and the abundant blessings He's given me in the past year. so yeah.... grace...