Apr 05, 2007 00:09
My mom has a brain tumor. This will be short because this hurts way too much to even write out.
She is having surgery Friday at 11 AM to have it removed. We'll know more once it's biopsied. It may not be that bad. Or it could be really bad. We just can't know right now. And that's the hardest part.
I look at anything that reminds me of her, which is basically everything, and I cry, totally uncontrollably. She feels wonderful, great, is happy, and more than anything trusting in God. I wish I could have her happiness and faith. Maybe one day I will. She's such a perfect mom and we have always had the most wonderful relationship, aside from when I was 13 and 14 years old; I don't think anyone gets along wtih their mom when they are that age. But, no regrets between either of us. Oh crap I'm doing it...I'm typing too long like I didn't want to do. But Please please pray for her over the next few days and weeks.
I'm so scared. The worst scared ever. I don't even know what I'd have done without Paul and my dad over the last week.