"He does exist! They do exist!"

Mar 31, 2006 11:58

It's been a long long time, I know. For awhile there, I just ran out of things to post, then I got busy, then I just forgot...
Lets see, the last update was in December...
I play World of Warcraft now, if you've been considering trying it out, RUN! It's digital crack, you'll sell your fist born for just one more hour. That being said, the guild I'm in is called Abeyance. The website is brand new, and we're still working on getting things set up.
School is progressing, but not as well as I'd hoped. I'm thinking that an 8am Britt Litt class was probably not the best of ideas, I make it to probably one out of five classes. I'll be happy with passing that one, no matter how low the grade. Most of my other classes are going better, I think. I have a high C in psychology, which I should be able to pull up to a low B without much effort. Programing is going well, my programs all get perfect scores. So, my grade in there will depend on how he weights the tests. His tests are insanely tough, because they have 'tricks' in them that we have to find in order to get a good grade. I like the prof though, he knows what he's talking about, and teaches it well so I'll probably take him again next semester for the next level. My only other class is Creative Writing, which the prof basically said at the beginning of the semester that we're guaranteed a B.
Carrie and I are doing well, I love her so much. We have a cat, Toby. He's a cutie, most of the time, but he likes to steal thing off our desks so he can bat them around the house. We got him from the shelter, and he had a tummy problem for a few weeks, but he's over that now and gaining weight. Too much weight, actually, so we've had to start regimenting his food because he pretends that he's always starving, even though he has quite a belly.
I'm not working right now, just trying to concentrate on school, and pull a good GPA this semester to offset my terrible GPA last semester.
That pretty much covers it for now, I'll try to update more often but no promises!
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