an air conditioned coffee saturated memorial 4/30 April 4th 2012

Apr 04, 2012 09:20

sing the song of lament.
let it flow like blood
like honey
like something you never want to forget.

the ground shakes a little
trying to get to its fourth or fifth skin
some far away history
we can only fiction about

sing the song of lament.
let it shine like an angel
like water
like a desk lamp

the sky cries and cries
it hasn’t hurt this much before
or will it ever again.
it cannot believe
how so much time has passed.
it doesn’t want to believe.
it cries but it doesn’t drown.

sing the song of lament.
let it burst like a firework
like a solar flare
like a prayer of forgiveness

the body attempts
to keep going
to grow and heal
to accept the future
to honor the memories
to find meaning in the supposedly meaningless
to know the reasonless of being

sing the song of lament
let it wash the day down
let it rise the moon up
let it live
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