Dear internet acquaintances,

Dec 09, 2008 23:14

 Does anybody remember me?
I have long since been close to this tight circle of anonymous users that once held tightly our loose connections.
I wonder how most of you are dong and hope that you are doing well.
I have been going to school so much and become so obsessed and engrossed in music that I have had little contact with this island of instant communication other than at school and at other people's homes.I lived in an apartment by myself where I had no tv or internet. It was so liberating to not feel the constraints of technology creeping around you.I didn't have to book gigs or do anything outside of email and basic maintainance. I have become dearly disconnected. Truly acoustic and more mentally resonant then I have ever been. The words have not come as easily or I just don't type every word and post the shit out of it as much as I have in the past so the number of entries hasn't increased much in the last three years. Many people have gotten married, had babies, and several have been returned to the earth. I have fallen in love in an honest and meaningful way that doesn't feel like some tear me apart inside I have to have you or die way, it feels real much more like a choice and by far the most long durable of all the love's that I have been privilaged to experience. I have so many ideas. Sound is so much more magical and meaningful. I feel so much more meaningful. Not so morbid and despondant. It's so strange to feel mildly important and not so immature to think that you are te most important in the world.

I hope that all of you feel loved and honored in your lives.
I am not saying goodbye.
Only I realize that I have not made it a point to contact any of you in anyway.
That is unacceptable, if you truly are my friends and I must be better about being honest to those who are,
because I would expect them to be honest to me.

Can't you hear the music playing?
Its so sweet and stubborn.
It wants you to know how it feels.
Grand and magical.
Grand and magical.

Much love too all,
Nathan Jed Steinman
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