The tragedy is over when we are done with this hymn.

Jul 18, 2007 13:31

Requiem aeternam

Dona eis, Domine.

The sparrows call all the shadows back to the sun,

and every cellphone crackled with the sun's mourning for you.

The past is not forgotten it is only exhanged for something

denser and more able to affect gravity.

Kyrie eleison.

Pope Gregory has absolved another revolution round soleil.

We are banging as much ruckous for you, in front

of the best strangers we ever found.

Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi.

During all this talk of war I know that I have never seen a dove not

in a cage?

But, this isn't about me.

It's about a park and all of us trying to remember what we will all miss.

Selfishness is a hard habit to kick. Some people say, it's worse than cigarrettes.

Hell, Bob told me that friends of his who'd kicked herion had trouble quitting.

You know how hard it was, don't you, Jack.

What about life?

Could you tell us all how hard it was to leave that habit behind?

Did you want to kick and scream

the way wind and pines,

when we underlined and bolded our common grief?

Or did you just accept it?

Lux Aeterna

luce at eis.

You were a force, in the truest physics definition.

You could change anyone's state from potential into kinetic.

So many, would have remained cowardly lions never realising their true mass without you.

And even though we could never throw many,

we have collected enough change in a plastic flower pot

to pay off Charon. Taz will scare off Cerberus with his growl.

Tell Hades that he has to wait, we're here to see our teacher.

We find you playing tarot with Buddha, Yehsua, Krishnamurti, Einstein, and Socrates

under a large bodhi tree.

We overhear you all telling jokes in 6 different languages,

making enough matter with your tongues that spacetime was becoming infinitely dense,

and the more possible futures the card game made clear, we knew must turn back

to do the same with our hearts.

I apologized to Hades on our way out.

Requiem aeternam, dona eis, Domine.

Et Lux perpetua luceat eis.
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