Holidays List of Fun

Jan 04, 2011 00:27

The year 2010 is finally out of the way, and I, like several others on my f-list, am most happy to see it gone. The first days of 2011 already brought the most welcome reprieve. My holidays started. My sole intension for the next month - yes, I'm wasting most of my precious holidays allocation all in one lump with disregard to family contingencies, children's school breaks and medical emergences, because 2010 was ghastly - my sole intension for the next month is to have fun.
  • Asimov: order missing books from the Robots-Foundation series, read them, write 20k characters
  • Angels: my NaNo novel, unfinished, waiting
  • Horses: Mr. N gave me a voucher for 10 horseback-riding lessons for Christmas in 2009. The planet alignment in 2010 did not give me that much Me-Time. I hope the voucher is at least partly salvageable.
  • Karel Capek's Prize: read 50 short stories, submit the shortlist
  • Millenium Trilogy - write 10k chars
  • De-clutter surfaces - hall, kitchen, living room, bedroom, laundry room
  • Mr. N's office: convince him to get a piece or two of new furniture, set up, organise
  • News articles: get a photo taken for the column, send the whole things that's been sitting done on the hard disk for a year
  • Residency permit: get a passport photo taken, get recent documents, get the bureaucracy off your back after two years living in this house
  • Passport: travel to Slovakia to request a new one, pick up when done
  • Post Magic In Your Veins to archives
  • Write gifts for the Exchange Bingo - I'm very sorry to both the mods and my recipients for the long wait
  • Be an endlessly patient mother and tutor
  • Change all non-RL online activity to link to the gmail address - nearly done, but found out today that I've not been receiving alerts from LJ. Oops and sorry to everyone who found my silence rude.
  • Sleep eight hours a day for as long as the body needs it
See? No work in there. Okay, I lied.
  • Supervise exams for students on the 17th and 21th. Input marks into the system.
But other than that, I should be able to have the month off. My desk is clear for the time being. A professor already requested my attention and a meeting because of a work-fic new to LJ I sent on New Years Eve, but I refused him. Little Nata is daring. Saying no to a prof.

Ah, well. I will deal with the consequences in February. Till than, eight hours a day of unconditional free-time are scheduled.

ETA: Seconds before shutting the notebook, I received this email:

~Dear Nata,

Happy New Year!

Thanks very much for correcting Fig. 1 and for doing the Endnote Library - it's all
hugely appreciated.

All the very best for 2011,

Professor in charge of work-fic N~

*grins* That would be a different project off my desk than the one above. This professor dumped a pile of last-minute menial labour on my shoulders on the 23th. But, finally, he seems to get that I AM NOT AVAILABLE NOW. *double grin*

holiday bliss, real life

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