To Make an End is a story by
jackiejlh that begins the HP saga. Where Dumbledore tries to leave a baby that can crawl out of a basket on a cold street, with nothing but a letter for protection, McGonagall stops him.
And, really, he needed to be stopped.
While Harry is, at the moment, safe from Death Eaters and Voldemorts, he is still prone to chill of English rain, strength of passing cars and deprivation of child thieves. Jackie knows Dumbledore would not react to those arguments, but she uses one that he cannot resist. And she uses it masterfully.
Dumbledore sends Snape to deliver Harry.
Read it. It needed to happen to preserve everyone's sanity.
Thank you, Jackie for writing this amazing story for me (OWL House Cup 2009,
Slytherin Review Duel). I love it.