Incredible as it sounds, I have posted new stories that are eligible for OWL Awards. The Proof of the Pudding is, in my opinion, the absolutely best story I have ever written, including my awarded ofic.
The Proof of the PuddingCategory: The Common Room (General Fic)
Genres: Hurt/Comfort
"What a painful and thorough insight into Death Eater dynamics." ~ sylvanawood
"Fantastic characterization, canon back story, and a killer last line." ~ pokeystar
"The Death Eater Christmas meal is frighteningly, nauseatingly real, from their taunts of the new recruit to Bellatrix's promise to toughen Regulus up after dinner." ~ Pyjamarama
ExperienceCategory: Fire & Ice (HG/SS)
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Epilogue-consistent
"I want more." ~ Droxy
"Wish you'd extend it..." ~ kittyperry
"I still grin at the punchline to this tale." ~ Pyjamarama
Arithmantic PsychohistoryCategory: The Common Room (General Fic)
Genres: Crossover
"Somewhere Isaac Asimov is either rolling over in his grave or snorting with laughter." ~ Caeria at LJ
"Really nice work." ~ slasher454
"Now, this looks interesting." ~ Valady