Title: His Light, His Angel
Prompt: Angel
Fandom: Viewfinder
Pairing/Characters: Asami/Takaba
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to Yamane Ayano.
Summary: One word to describe his lover. Sequel to
His Choice, His Demon Note: Here is the fourth drabble!
His Light, His Angel
Takaba Akihito was one odd, crazy kid. That was his first thought that went through his mind when he saw how the young photographer jumped from the rooftop. He had never thought that Akihito would be able to do that.
The young man had made his heart race like it had never before. For the first time in a really long time, he had felt alive again.
The boy had shown him a new light that he somehow needed in his life. That light became sort of an obsession for him, which he just couldn’t get enough of. He needed it like a junky needs his drugs.
One thing he learned in his dark life is that no matter who you are, everyone has a light in his life. He has grown up with this believe. But he never thought that he would find his light.
Because he had found his light. Of that he was certain. Sadly, the boy himself hadn’t yet realized this. A reason for that can easily be how he treats the young photographer. He knows that, but he can’t stop himself from teasing the young man.
Because when he does, he sees where the fire comes from that ignites his light. And he is just as addicted to that fire as to the light. So he will continue to provoke his lover, only to see that fire that he needs.
But really, even though his lover is his light and his fire, there is only one real word to describe his lover. Certainly in the dark, dangerous world he lives in.
An angel.
That’s the only word he can and will describe Takaba Akihito for the rest of his life. No one will take his light away from him and he will do anything in his power to keep his angel, his lover by his side.
Because everyone has a light, but not everybody realizes that every person also has an angel. Something that is far more important. Something that isn’t found easily. But something that he found in his dark world. His light.
The End
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