Almost thereeeeeeee!!!

Jun 21, 2010 15:32

OK SOO TOMORROW IS THE EXAM!! =D ok I'm not excited for it or anything. More like.. excited for what comes after the exam (summer )

Yusi and her friend Giwon are still trying to get me to fall in love with their friend. He's nice. I can't really say anything more than that. And also, the fact that they're TRYING to make me like him just makes me NOT like him :S Is that weird? LOL.

So I just came home from lunch and stuff.. We ate at a korean place x) I wanted naeng myun, but my mom said naeng myun isn't good at that restaurant.. so i ordered jajjang myun. and then we went grocery shopping, and to the korean market to buy food, and i bought a lot of korean snacks (literally.. i have 3 chocolate mushrooms [ it's ok if you don't know what that is.. i know it sounds gross. ] and 3 shrimp crackers, 1 huge kancho pack, and 1 booshuh boo shuh)

ok so basically I wasted 2 hours out of my house so I need to get to work. My goal is to know everything by 9pm.. 10pm at the latest.

I just need to read my notes, because I've done everything else on my "list of things still left to do" thing.

I'm really happy with my last entry LOL. Actually, I'm more happy about the comments x) And the fact that people actually read it LOL it was so long. :) But yeah. okay, work now.. :D I don't even dread it anymore because it's going to be over tomorrow, and also because I have so much junk food here to keep me going.
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