so, since im bored and frustrated..

Jun 20, 2010 15:53

If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.

I fear … 
[] black people
[] the dark 
[] staying single forever 
[] being a parent 
[] being myself in front of others 
[] open spaces 
[] closed spaces 
[] heights 
[] dogs
[] birds 
[] fish 
[x] spiders 
[] flowers or other plants

Total so far: 1

[] being touched 
[] fire 
[x] deep deep water 
[] snakes 
[] silk 
[] the ocean
[x] failure 
[] success 
[] thunder/lightning 
[] frogs/toads 
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad 
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats 
[x] jumping from high places 
[] snow

Total so far: 4

[] rain 
[] wind 
[] crossing hanging bridges 
[] death 
[] heaven 
[x] being robbed/mugged 
[] falling 
[x] clowns 
[x] dolls 
[] large crowds of people 
[] men 
[] women 
[] having great responsibilities 
[] doctors 
[] tornadoes

Total so far: 7

[] hurricanes 
[x] incurable diseases 
[] Friday the 13th 
[x] scary movies 
[x] poverty 
[] Halloween 
[] school 
[] trains 
[] odd numbers 
[] even numbers 
[] being alone 
[] becoming blind 
[] becoming deaf 
[] growing up, old

Total so far: 10

[x] creepy noises in the night 
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals 
[x] needles 
[x] blood

Grand Total: 13

ok, no, i am not "normal" you just dont have all the other things im scared of..

-- losing the things i still have (a.k.a. my friends, my family, my dog, etc)
-- dying of obesity or diabetes or something unhealthy
-- WASPS and bees
-- mosquitos
-- creepy looking bugs.. like spiders, but other bugs too
-- allergies
-- the world hating me the way it did when i was in grade 5.
-- trusting somebody too much
-- doing bad on essays, assignments, tests, exams... school.
-- disappointment. (as in, being disappointed)
-- disappointment, as in disappointing somebody else.
-- fear of being a mean person/ becoming a mean person
-- fear of having regrets. (so far, i dont have any that i can remember)
-- fear of hurting someone without meaning it like that
-- fear of crying in public because my face becomes uglier than usual
-- fear of being called a liar or fake.
-- fear of losing all the photos, the music stored in my computer.. the memories
-- fear of being the cause of a huge fight/situation because i wasn't careful


and now, fear that ive wasted too much time on this stupid survey when i should be studying.
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