Dec 26, 2006 21:05
Hey everyone,
Now i know no one ever reads my LJ because it's meaningless and stupid.
But for those of you that do heres my update on the past couple of days.
Christmas Eve: kinda lame , hearing from both Ashley and Rhonda how happy they are that they can slow motion my man... damn them. They got the Box Set of P!ATD for all you cave dwellers that didn't know.
Creeped on Alee's sn just to freak her out, talked to her with Ryan by my side so funny htbt.. only TIME WILL TELL RIGHT ALEE? and that's pretty much my Eve..
Wrapping paper:... useless but fun to RIP
First Pressie.. oh man.. A PRINTER! .. that doesn't sound all that exciting to you all but it is! A printer for my CAMERA so that means i have prints of my band boys now! yessss.. sex printed by a machine.. HOW of the presents were :
CLOTHES.. yessir
shoes.. that dont fit : (
and Cash Monie as rhonda calls it.
So that's pretty sweet.
But that's pretty much what's been going on.
I babysat today for Kylie & Danielle super cute kids, Danielles my little Princess & Rocker.. so cute. But get this all in 2 days so much has gone down with them.. Divorce is happening between their parents, their house FLOODED so they had to spend christmas somewhere else, and get this !asbestos in the walls! and I being such a Panic! girl that I am said after she said "our walls have asbestos" ,.. I said " and just a dash of formaldehyde... " im rediculous I know.
But then yeah, got off of that and hung out with Katey pretty sweet. Then me and Alee and Rhonda start to ponder the elleshaant breakup.
if you dont know dont bother asking. we've decided their done.
peace out. time for me to go comment all of Alee's LJ's so that she doesn't have a cow. <3 natasha
alee is special ed,
rhonda and cashmonie,