not the kind where we can't pay attention the kind where not enough attention is being paid to us. we are literally deficient in receiving attention.
i've noticed it around me more than usual lately. everyone's running around plying for everyone else's attention. it's easy to notice in kids, of course, because they usually have given up hope of getting positive attention and just pound on pots and pans hoping to get SOME kind of attention.
you know all of those trashy talk shows. (come on, we all watch them, even if we pretend we don't. there's no other excuse for the popularity of "
talk soup.") "my 10 year old is out of control!" "my 8 year old dresses like a slut!" "maury, help save my child!" so what do these parents do? take the kids to television where they parade around in front of an army of cameras and boo-ing audience members and feed their a.d.d. every grandmother in america knows that what these kids want is attention... so we kindly tune in and give it to them.
what surprised me even more today, as another batch of talk-show kids was being paraded off to kiddie boot camp, was the a.d.d. in the parents. they'd moan and cry and swear and blubber... they got as much attention as their stinkin' kids.
and i started thinking of how spoiled i've become, and how i was in such a funk i was in because i hadn't spoken with the soup (NOT the "talk soup") and how sad to realize that it was just me wanting attention... and he's been so good to give it to me... and i've gotten spoiled. it's so silly. "i'm a 24-year-old potato addict... help me, sally!"
more social ritalin, please.
on another note, i'm proud of you ben
affleck and i appologize to both yourself and shakira that I cannot make it to the celebratory party, but know that my heart is with you all.