Pally - on friendly terms with someone
Paraletic - extremely drunk
Perk at work - something good your employer supplies for nothing as a part of your job
Pester - annoy or brother someone
Piker - someone who does not want to do, what the rest of the group want to do
Pissed off - you are angry or unhappy with something
Pom, pommy - an Englishman
Pommy bastard - NOT a term of endearment
you Pong - you smell or have an unpleasant odour
Postie - postman
Playing Possum - you are hiding yourself or try to keep something from someone
Pot hole - hole in the road
Pot calling the kettle black - someone said something adverse about you and you reply with this slang phrase
Prang - automotive crash
Prawn - shrimp (that's right we don't put a shrimp on the barbie, that's just advertising to con you to come here. No Aussie except Hogan has said it)
Raw Prawn - easy to deceive, green
Prezzies - gifts
Pub - hotel, place for buying and drinking alcohol
Pull the belt in - stop spending money
Pull your socks up - get you life in order or get your act together
Pushing up daisies - dead and buried, in your grave
Put up or shut up - show you can do it or say it, otherwise stop talking about it