Just a little something to make the day go smoother.
Title: Protest
Author: natasha120489
Rating: pg13
Disclaimer: Don't own Skins or any characters or anything except my car and my hamster.
Warnings: some swearing
Summary: Naomi and Emily at a protest.
Emily sat on the bottom step with a cigarette in hand. ‘Oi you, you’re hardly changing the world over there are you?’ Naomi shouted. Emily stubbed out her cigarette before sighing and moving across to join in with the protest. ‘One fucking person won’t make that much of a difference surely, Nay?’ Emily tried to reason.
Naomi rolled her eyes and handed back the second placard she was holding. ‘Wave this around and see how much attention you can get Ems’ she retorted. Emily looked at Naomi and couldn’t help but smile as she watched her girlfriend place her megaphone to her lips and declare ‘Grannies should not be forced to take part in piggyback races against their will! Down with piggybacks!’ The small crowd of shoppers sneered as they trotted past avoiding eye contact with the handful of adolescents with signs.
Emily should have known this was coming. The minute JJ returned from his road-trip with Freddie boasting about his big win, Naomi had begun firing questions about what exactly went on in this race with an irate expression before Emily had calmed her down with a slice of chocolate cake to distract her. Unfortunately it had only proved to be a temporary distraction.
Soon, the owners of the shops they were protesting outside began trying to shoo them away. ‘We shall, we shall not be moved’ chanted Naomi in protest. Emily loved Naomi but she could be so stubborn at times and cringed when she saw two policemen heading in their direction.
Emily nudged Naomi in the ribs and pointed ‘Shit Nay, look.’
‘Shit.’ Naomi repeated.
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