Bearer of news?

Jul 10, 2008 09:10

Today, at about quarter to eight, I woke up from a few odd sounds. The first one was as if someone or something was knocking on my window. The second was clearly coming out of a bird (and it's wasn't nice).
I pulled up my blind a little and discovered that it was indeed a bird, quacking (that's how it sounded) and knocking on my window with its beak. When it saw me, it looked at me for a second or two, and flew away.

I can get quite superstitious and can't get this bird out of my head. Has anyone got any ideas on what this is supposed to mean? Or does it mean anything at all? I know that when a bird flies into a room, it bears news. If it can't get out, the news is death.
But what if it can't get in?
What was it trying to tell me? =/

my life, thoughts

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