(no subject)

Nov 06, 2007 17:33


1. Kaylynn's decided she's not ever speaking to me again. I quote: "Screw you. Point blank."

2. Stupid computer wants to edit this with breaks i don't want.

3. It's like thirty degrees with wind chill.

4. I can't type today. It's like my hands are retarded.

*sigh* anyway, i can't access my myspace, so I can't even message any of the people that i need to. this stinks. i think I'm going to go up to the Living Room and get on my myspace. If nothing else i need to pull K off my friends list.

I'm trying to get my songs onto my mp3 player but I don't know if i have enough space left for them all. PLEASE BE ENOUGH SPACE!!!

YAY! I think there is. next up is to try to get the songs in french that Madame Leeds gave me on there.

Have to go... otherwise can't catch the bus.

adios - e

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