Новогоднее пожелание

Jan 03, 2012 05:10

С Новым Годом! 
Пусть мир на Земле будет прочным, пусть сила на Земле будет мирной...

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This song expresses the desire shared by people all over the world, for permanent, unshakable peace on earth.

Peace, complete harmony, is a concrete reality of nature on the level of the unified field, where coherence, power, and unity are infinite. Lasting peace can only be a reality when this deepest field of peace is enlivened within the consciousness of everyone.

Individuals practicing Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Program naturally and effortlessly enliven this field of peace within themselves, from the deepest level of their Being. The individual is the unit of world peace, and peaceful individuals practicing the technologies of consciousness together radiate an exponentially more powerful influence of peace and coherence, in the same way that individual candles coming together radiate more and more light to the environment.

To learn more about Transcendental Meditation, visit www.tm.org.

мир на Земле, новогодние пожелания, трансцендентальная медитация

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