We just got back from dropping off Bonnie and her kittens at Ingrids Haven. Ingrid normally never takes cats from the general public but I begged and pleaded and she caved in. Bonnie had been dumped on my friends by an uncaring relative who didn't want her any more, and she turned out to be pregnant. The owner kept saying he'd do something about her he didn't. Now a lot of you know that if you hand in a cat to Lord Smith or the RSPCA, especially at this time of year, they'll be put down. Bonnie is homeless, with kittens and isn't even a year old herself. Bonnie's only crime was to look cute as a kitten and be picked up by the uncaring relative's girlfriend, and be owned by irresponsible people.
So I'm going to hit up my friends list for some fundraising for the very remarkable Ingrid, who is taking care of the animals that so many other people can't or wont. She also takes donations of goods which she sells at the markets for the cats.
The bank account details are:
Name: Ingrid Arving
BSB: 083-472
Account: 429759319
Ref: Bonnie
And if you're ever interested in getting a wonderful pure-bred moggie, or know someone who is, have a look at
Ingrids Haven. Thanks.