Oh yes indeedy, I have a rock on my finger
As we were driving to the delightful
libertinewoman's birthday drinks last night, the caramel observed I had a ring on my finger and said "I really should give you that ring shouldn't I?". My cool, calm, collected response was "yes, that would be nice dear".
This morning, before i headed out to my weekend course, he handed me the ring box and said "here's your ring". I told him to give it to me properly. He thought I meant "Propose to me" and he vibrated uncomfortably. I actually wanted him to say "I love you and this is a symbol of my love". There was a bit of to-ing and fro-ing but we finally understood each other. So he told me loved me in a very silly voice, put the ring on my finger and pulled faces. Gracious? Absolutely not. Cute? Sort of. Frustrating? Oh yes. But he's my caramel and I love him.
Now I have my gorgeous ring on my middle finger, because the ring finger is now too skinny and it keeps falling off. I'm a very happy Natty indeed :)