Mar 01, 2006 20:26
i'm sick of routine. i do the
same thing day after day and it's pointless.
we learn pointless stuff in school, more so
in math. and i hate chemistry with a passion.
i spend far too much time on this
computer it's unhealthy.
i need some hobbies.
i havent painted in forever.
i miss it, a lot.
but i dont have the money, supplies or space.
i need to redo my room at my dads house,
so it actually feels like home again.
like it did when i was little.
i'd stay there more because it's way to
fucking chaotic here. I can't concentrate
at all anymore. I'm doing the worst i've ever
done in school. I don't understand chem
or math, not to mention i've gotten SO lazy.
I haven't done my own math homework in what
like 5 weeks. LAZY LAZY LAZY. sdklfh
ohh,you need to realizeeee. i'm sick
of nothing happening. not that it ever will.
i'm far too paranoid sometimes.