Mar 25, 2007 21:44
Want something to drink?
we got water its on tap.
hahahhah I loved it. go poutney. I told her id remember. so yeah im coming to calgary earlier than I thought. ahahahha. by 3-4 days. my seat just went up. I was pissed. now I have to leave days earlier. it sux. I cant wait to quit minacs. shoot me now. another like month and a halfish. wow what the fuck. It hasnt even hit me yet. wow. this week is goona suck. I get my taxes back on thursday. hells yeah. by mid next month ill have about 800 weaseld away. I dont know how much longer I can do this. Im already hatin this. I really am. I really have nothing to say Im just a bump on a log this weekend. prolly why i smell funny. hahhah well after these crappy weeks I just waste away my weekends. I jsut laze. and plus my back was killling me today. along with this weird headache. I dont knwo what caused it. I could go for soemthing right now. cookies and milk. mmmmmmmmmm