You Are Curious You love learning for its own sake, and you're attracted to subjects that are deep and dynamic.
You are intellectual and studious. You tend to get lost in whatever you're studying or doing.
It's likely that you've always been academically talented. Graduate studies would be no problem for you.
You have many solitary interests that your friends don't share. You are on your own fascinating path.
What Does Your College Major Say About You? You Are Lime Scented Lotion You are a very chill person who has learned not to get too stressed or worried.
You believe it's important to maintained a relaxed state as much as you can. You like lots of mental space to think and dream.
You are a truly gentle and compassionate person. You don't judge others, even if you don't agree with their decisions.
Inside, you are quite intense and sharp. You have many interesting and dynamic thoughts that you keep to yourself.
What Scent Lotion Are You? You Are Organized You are driven by an acute sense of responsibility and conscientiousness. You are a firm believer in pulling your own weight.
You like rules more than most people. Even if they're a pain to follow, you like to know where the boundaries are.
You are analytical and cool headed. When confronted with a monumental problem, you're willing to go slow and take one step at a time.
Even if you aren't a scientist, you have a lot of respect for the scientific method. You like to test out ideas and theories.
You appreciate quality, and you have high standards for everything in your life. You always give others credit for a job well done.
You have a head for facts. You are very precise and detail oriented. And you can't help but correct people when they are wrong!
The POGS Personality Test You Are a Blue Flower You know a lot, and you're always learning more. You believe in being self-sufficient.
You are a rule breaker but not a rule maker. You generally despise all rules.
You are very fantasy prone. If you don't like how the world is, you imagine how it could be.
You are an open, flexible person who is able to see the world through many perspectives.
What Primary Color Flower Are You?