Aug 08, 2005 06:59
omg! last night was the funnest night. i hung out with kerry. she came to my house around 2ish? and we made a Micheal Jackson Milkshake yumm. first u get vanilla and chocalota ice cream (michel jackson ice cream) then u get milk ,cups nd tape then you shake. omfg that was soo good =]
then i went to kerry's house nd we ate her whole kitchen. we ate a whole bag of chips nd dip. then we ate a whole bowl of strawberries nd whipped cream. then we ate cheeze itz. we had like 5 sodas!
then jess came to kerry's nd we were taking pictures.=/ IM SO UGLY SO I DIDNT TAKE ANY=[
then we had PIZZA for dinner. omg it was soooo good. omg i am still full =[ then kerry's mom drove me home...=]
uPdAtE lAtA...
mucch loveee