vacaaaa : )

Dec 31, 2004 13:51

hey! i havent updated in a while bc i have been too tired..gaby came over on tuesday and we had so much fun. first we looked at her new AMAZING phone which i really wantttt..and my ring is solider and when it calls my pix comes up and its awesome. then we ordered sushi and recorded the lady taking our order and it sounds hysterical lol and wen it came for delivery we took pix of the guy haha! i was like inching towards him holding up my phone to his face and he was like...scared...
we put KIRA SUSHI IN OUR PHONE BOOKS! then we started our scary movie marathon (with napolean dynomite) and we watched that first. omg best movie.

"so what are u doing today napolean?"
"whatever i feel like doing. GOSH."

"can u bring my chapstick to school"
"no napolean"
"why! my lips hurt real bad"

then we tried doing his dance at the end and we replayed it like 3 times and it was cool.
PEDRO- "my head felt hot, so i went home. first i drank a glass of cold water but my head was still hot, so i went into the bathroom and took a bath. but then i realized that my hair was making my head hot so i shaved it off.." OMG I COULDNT STOP LAUGHING WHEN HE WAS SHAVING HIS HAIR LOL!
then we watched gothika..really scary. then we watched CABIN FEVER HOLY SHIT IT WAS SO was good but very wtf was with the boy PANCAKESSSS PANCAKESS!!!!!!!!!!!! and "hey the niggs are here" and they were like yo yo wuddup and they went into the store and it freakin ended haha. after that we went upstairs and watched tv and went to bed. then at 3:10 we went to the movies with lauren to see darkness and it was ok. haha my mom went to the wrong movie theater lol..shes sooo stupid. then lauren slept over and we went to mikeys with his freak ass camp friend and he was annoying. then we went home and decided to make a dinner at 10:45 so we made pasta and my mom caught us making a cake and i got in trub..

PS- I LOVE LETICIA SO MUCH AND I REALLY MISS MY HYPER BUDDY! i feel like half of my hyper is missing in me..ugh im so sad! and leti dnt be bored..xoxo

k thats all for now xoxoxo bye
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<3 nat
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