Sep 24, 2006 19:13
OK, school starts tomorrow for me- I know I know, you've all been for 3 weeks now, but Baker runs differently- I'm not complaining! I'm so frickin nervous, I hate the first day of school, I always have every semester I get really nervous until I get the jist of things and then I'm ok, it's just going to be such a hard semester that I'm working myself up and am starting to freak out. But I can do it, I just have to put my mind into it and I definetely have the time. I unfortunately went down to one day a week at EB so that sucks. The good news: I have all morning classes, unfortunately 2 of the 4 days of school I'm only ther efor 1 hour; 8-9am. then I drive an hour home. it really blows but I'm almost done with school so things dont get to go my way, it's whatever the prof's way is. well- i'm off for a shower and i'm starving, andy's bringing something home- whenever he gets home.