[Musings] Day 1b

May 25, 2006 21:51


Couldn’t sleep well last night, my head was hurting too much at the back and I didn’t really have many other options seeing as my head is the same 4 sided shape as most peoples. The front has been a bit itchy as the day has gone on but its all mainly at the back, even now 24 hrs later. I am looking forward to going to bed to help ease the pain but I know its going to be tricky still. I keep getting shooting pains go through the back or its an ache every now and then. I don’t remember it being this uncomfortable last time but I guess I have less skin there now than I used to as its the second op. Annoying how I cant remember now, it was only less than 6 months ago heh.

Gonna watch the end of Big Brother as I write this, then make a hot milky drink and goto bed and watch some Lost, hopefully I will get some deep sleep and the ache will be less tomorrow. The whole op is as painless as I can imagine something being, electro for me is pretty painless and I just hate the red blotches after it and I would say that that was worse than the op. However, the actual ache afterwards is annoying rather than painful, like a toothache that wont go away quickly. Ah well, it will only be a few days and like I said, it aint screaming pain, just a nuisance reminder but maybe that’s good as it reminds me I cant just go brushing my head for fear of disturbing the new stuff.

I had my 3rd interview tonight for the job I mentioned yesterday, that went cool I think. It was the American side of the company 'testing' me from a technical point of view. I think that was the final interview and I hope to hear tomorrow, Friday now and I pray to whoever that I get it. Seems such a cool opportunity that aaagh, I shall say more another day, I think I may have tempted fate too much already having told my friend earlier in a phonecall.

Painkiller time soon heh, 15 mins to go then beddies (and numerous dreams of an unleashed newfound freedom now awaiting me.


PS, 2 days to go till hairwash day. I remember THAT being a time of enormouse stress/fear last time, I hope I will be more nonchalent this time but I guess I wont be nearer the time, sheeesh...

Posted by Buuuug to Musings at 5/25/2006 08:51:00 PM
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