[Musings] Neglect

Apr 29, 2006 10:38

Hi me,

Sorry I been neglecting ya, its starts with a day and then it becomes two and as the events stack up it seems a mindfield of stuff so its gets put off until later when there is 'more time' and then bang, ya look back and see a huge empty space.

I really WILL write more later and try to bring things as much upto date as possible, problem is that time distorts emotions further ya go from the event. All my fault here tho so I wont harp on about it, I'll try and be as authentic as I can, its me I'd be cheating if it was anyother way.

Reason for this brief, (yes, this is brief if ya read my usual dumpings, er, offerings) is that I am telling my other real good friend about things today cause I feel so bad keeping things from her, I feel I am cheapening her friendship and the other day I think I was quite cold and distant as I had just got back from a 2 hr electro sesh and she went round No2's to give me my birthday present. I felt real horrible for kinda avoiding her but I was just so embarrased cause my face, or rather the underneath, had flared up loads at that point. I so hope this shit ends soon, driving me up the freakin wall as its so obvious that it aint feminine at all and has destroyed what modicum of confidence I was nurturing. 'Sparky', electro woman has gone on holiday this week so I get a gap week, on the one hand cool cause it gives me a break and allows me to get back to normal and fit in easiliy, on the other tho I'm gonna hate immensly when she gets back and messes up my face again for my regular weekly beatings.

Gawd I must sound so so soooo vain, I really aint like that usually….gonna shut up

Posted by Buuuug to Musings at 4/29/2006 10:38:02 AM
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