Ну хорошо, муж подарил мне этот тест. Оказалось все предсказуемо, без сюрпризов.
Моя митохондриальная гаплогруппа U5b1e.
Вот так приблизительно мигрировали мои прародительницы из Центральной Африки через Восток на Запад.
• U5b1e has polymorphisms in 152 2757 10283 12616 16189 and has lost its polymorphism in 16192 (backmutation) ( + U5b1 polymorphisms) and arose about 6600 years ago. U5b1e is mainly seen in central Europe among Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians and southern Russians.[74]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_U_(mtDNA)#Haplogroup_U5 По каждому пункту:
Eastern Europe, represented by people of Ukraine, Russia, Poland and Hungary, is bordered on the east by the Ural Mountains. Although there are no such geographic borders to the west, eastern Europe has been distinct from European countries to the west in terms of cultural and linguistic affiliations.
Southern Europe, including the Iberian, Italian, and Balkan peninsulas as well as the island of Sardinia, is a region defined in great part by the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean has provided transportation routes, keeping these regions connected.
Northwestern Europeans are represented by people from as far west as Ireland, as far north as Norway, as far east as Finland, and as far south as France. These countries rim the North and Baltic Seas, and have been connected throughout much of history by those waters.
Connected to the British Isles, Scandinavia, southern Europe and eastern Europe, France and Germany have seen myriad peoples come and go over the last ten thousand years. Genetically and geographically the French and Germans are at the heart of Europe.
The earliest people of Scandinavia hunted reindeer and seals and fished for salmon. By 4000 years ago these hunter/gatherers had been joined by cattle herders from the south. Although at the northwestern periphery of Europe, Scandinavia has never been completely isolated from peoples to the south and east.
Northwestern Europeans are represented by people from as far west as Ireland, as far north as Norway, as far east as Finland, and as far south as France. These countries rim the North and Baltic Seas, and have been connected throughout much of history by those waters.
Much of Europe was buried under miles of ice ten thousand years ago. As the glaciers receded over millennia, Neolithic farmers from the Near East joined Paleolithic hunter-gatherers to settle Europe.
Yakuts are a Turkic people that live across huge territories of eastern Russia. Originally living around Lake Baikal, Yakuts migrated north along the Lena river during the thirteenth century. Traditionally, Yakuts are hunters, fishermen and herders.
Eastern Asia encompasses Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia and the Yakut people of eastern Russia. The people of Northeastern Asia most likely arrived using a different, later route than the settlers of Southeastern Asia. They eventually crossed Beringia 12-15,000 years ago to become the ancestors of Native Americans.
The peoples of East Asia and the Americas have a shared genetic history. Their common ancestors left the Near East as early as 80,000 years ago, migrating across Asia. The ancestors of Native Americans began to cross into the Americas 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.
Т.е. я практически 100%-ная европейка, за небольшим исключением: где-то до 1790 и в глубь веков был у меня предок 100%-ный якут/ка. Это было сюрпризом.
Далее, между 1730 и 1820 годами кто-то из моих предков оказался 100%-ным германо-франком. Разделительную грань между ними было трудно провести из-за общности их жизни и слияния родов.
И в тот же период времени другой предок, скорее всего, был 100%-ный балканец. Балканские народы: албанцы, болгары, греки, македонцы, фракийцы, боснийцы, сербы, словенцы, хорваты, черногорцы. Ну и кто я после этого? )))
Интересно, что на сайте нашлись 1432 генетических родственника, в родстве 4th cousin и 5th cousin. Т.е. где-то 6-7 поколений назад мы имели общего родича. В основном, это поляки, словенцы, чехи, карпатский русин есть даже. И он уверен, что мы именно там и зародились, русины мы:) Много таких родичей в России, несколько человек - в Украине, кто-то в Италии.
Финской крови оказалось 0%.
Интереснее оказалась полученная от родственников информация о моем роде Жестовских и Батовых.
Нашла своих близких родных Лопатиных. В том же родовом, скажем так, селе. А я искала много лет, время от времени, но никого. А тут сразу все. Но об этом в следующий раз.