Jul 25, 2005 17:11
I have sadly recently been introduced to Ebay, which i fear may well become my new Amazon, and the arch-enemy of my bank account. So apart from hourly checking up on my bids (where i am beginning to realise how many bastards wait until the last minute to outbid you so when you think you've got the item you actually haven't at all and i am determined therefore to become one of these bastards) i have a lot of jobs to do round the house. I have been away nannying for a couple of weeks, and as ever when i leave the house in paul's capable (scoff) hands, the house i return to is a tip. With guests coming round tomorrow, here are my chores:
Shopping (now done)
Pay in money (half done)
Hoover (will delegate to paul)
Washing up
More washing up (there's a lot to do, it deserves two entries)
Doing laundry
Making dinner
Sorting out work for next couple of weeks
Posting cheques for bills and letter accepting place at Campus
Am not tempted in the least to start any of these now, so may chill in front of the tv for a bit longer, and start tomorrow morning after all.
See you.