Anthony sighed before removing the charm that kept him hidden, and saying from a dark shadowy corner;
" I did it becouse my Fathers actions were not his own. You of all people would know I don't do anything without a reason Nick."
His 'father' jumped around and was about to comment , but Thor, his uncle , and man that was weird, interrupted.
"What do you mean, Man Of Iron? Loki has not had a child in thirty four- Oh." Thor sat back with a pained look on his face.
Anthony snarled at him.
"Yes, Oh! Thanks for the vote of confidence at that time Uncle!"
"Anthony I am sorr-"
"No! You're not sorry! You believed Odin when he said I would be a part of Ragnarok, That i was a monster! I am the most Asgardian of all of my fathers children, and you believed what he said? You follow him blindly OdinSon , and until you realize it, you are nothing to me!"
Thor lowered his head in reprimand, upset that his nephew thought of him that way.
"Um, Tony, what are you and Thor Talking about? And holy fuck! is that Loki in your arms? unconscious?"
Tony stared at Clint with his eyebrow raised.
"You can call me Anthony now, Birdbrain, and like i said before. his actions were not his own, he was being controlled as you were. i am surprised that Odinson did not notice that the person that he was raised with his whole life, eyes were a haunting blue, when his normal is extremely bright green.I gave him cognitive recalibration. I hit him really hard on the head with my staff, rău." he added when some people but Clint and Natasha looked confused.
"That nice and all Stark, but why don't you tell us what the HELL, is going on?" Steve raged.
Anthony sighed. he was going to have a huge headache by the end of this.
"well , first of all, my real name is Anthony Lokison, and i'm a reincarnated God..."
next chapter;