GoOd WeEkEnD <3

Mar 14, 2005 21:45

This weekend was GOOD! =)

Friday-- Lawrence had his first party!!! How cool is that? SO yeah I basically helped out chaperoning it with Christine aka... her and I dancing. Then Johnny K picked us up and we went to the Cultural Show! It was SO good. Especially the "Ocho Ocho" dance, by the FILIPINOS... WHAT WHAT-- so at intermission I called my mom to see if she had the song and she had it, so when we got home Christine and I continued partying it up with the 6th graders and Eric-- then we did the Ocho Ocho dance!!! Then we just chilled out and she slept over. Oh yeah.. and my mom got a new car.
Saturday-- Christine left... then I had to go to my grandma's house to celebrate Lawrence's birthday. So that was... uhh?
So when I got home from that I got ready and then I went to Royal Oak with Anna! We went to Incognito and I bought my mom some sunglasses... and we checked out a lot of really cool stores. Then we went to Inn Season.. which was this vegan/vegetarian restaurant... suprisingly it was really good. Then we went to Barnes and Noble and I bought some books... then I went home and called it a night.
Sunday-- I had to wake up early... and then we went on our way to Battle Creek to visit my dad. We went to Big Apple Bagels and bought all this food for the ride lol. So we were driving in my mom's new van and watching movies and SATC on the tv. We visited my dad... which was good. Then we went back home and Christine came over... and we went to Blockbuster.. then Anna Kaitlyn and Steve came over... so yeah then we just hung out and the girls slept over... it was fun.
Monday-- Anna Christine and Kaitlyn left... then me and Lawrence went on a run on the Paint Creek Trail and then ate at Subway... then my family went to the village... I bought a top... I am so broke right now it's not funny. Then I went to Segment 2... WHOO I PASSED. 1 step closer to getting my license! I must say... Christine Kaitlyn and Denny... it was fun sharing the segment 2 experience with you guys. Then after... Eric gave me and Christine a ride to my house.. then we went to Max and Erma's. So now I'm home and I'm gonna go watch the Inferno 2!!!

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