It sucks that it takes around a week to get decent information from the news media. First you have the initial report, which is shocking and revolting. Then you have all these people flinging insults and blaming different things without knowing what's going on. It's pretty ridiculous. Everyone wants to get their word in and everyone wants to be on TV.
In the end, it's still sad news. 9/11 made people afraid to fly airplanes. Now, I'm sure a lot will be afraid to wake up and head to college without suspecting a loner classmate that might pull a gun on the classroom.
I always felt safe in my college; it's a place of learning. Not violence.
And mostly anyone can get a gun in the United States. Even those with a history of mental illness supposedly.
BLACKSBURG, Virginia (CNN) -- Cho Seung-Hui in 2005 was declared mentally ill by a Virginia special justice, who declared he was "an imminent danger to others," a court document states.
Cho was referred to a mental health facility that year after officers responded to accusations he was suicidal and stalked female students, police said Wednesday.
We all want to think the best of people, but his writings (although somewhat elementary), and his inappropriate behavior in the classroom says it all. I guess Columbine was so long ago that people put this guy past the radar. *shrugs* Or maybe it was the fact that he was Korean that people thought "Oh, he just has a hard time speaking English well, so he's not a big threat."
There's actually a lot of people afraid to go against someone that's not white, because they're afraid of being tagged as a racist.
Anyway, my condolences go out to family and friends of the victims.