'are you dumb or just seem that way?'
ten days of silence, new installment today
your imaginary life and your fake ideals
who gives two shits bout what everyone feels?
if you are happy, we cannot complain
for it means our lives were not in vain
if undetected, then we might survive
if not you'll use words to bury us alive
' -------------------------------------------- '
there was a little girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle of her forehead
when she was good
she was very, very good
but when she was bad she was horrid
' -------------------------------------------- '
Depresion - No-one really likes you. You hate the
world and will never be accepted. People always
judge you and that may be how you got this way.
You may be to late to help...
What emotion are you? {With pictures!} brought to you by
Quizilla thats a pretty picture...