VEDIC CHANTING COURSE ONLINE Насадия-сукта / Nāsadīya-sūkta (नासदीयसूक्तम् ) Rigveda X. 129

Jun 05, 2022 11:42

Продолжение курса ведийской рецитации

Learn to chant नासदीयसूक्तम् | Nāsadīyasūktam, the Hymn of Creation from the Rigveda X. 129, in the traditional method, with correct pronunciation and practice.

Guided by Sri. Akshay Malhotra

6 June - 24 June 2022 | 7:00 - 7:30 PM IST

every Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Register for free:

Your Dakṣiṇā (course donation) offering will help sustain these free sessions and provide an opportunity to many more people to learn and benefit from this eternal wisdom

Those who have been attending previous course - Mantrapuṣpam and Nārāyaṇasūktam which just successfully completed, DO NOT need to submit the registration form again.

Nāsadīyasūkta, rigveda, akshay malhotra, onlinecourse, vedic chanting, vedic

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