links! get your fun links here!

Aug 04, 2009 08:40

My journal has no theme anymore. This bothers me. I have no intense fannish interests these days. I'm still proceeding at a fast clip through the Harry Potter series, but I remain a skeptic at heart. I loved the fifth book. The 3rd and 5th books have been my favorites so far. I am currently working on the 6th, hoping to finish it by the weekend so that my housemates and I can go to the 6th movie at the theater. I think the 3rd movie is absolutely the best in the series, and the 5th was a big disappointment. They did not handle the Important Death well at all. (It made me cry in the book.)

What is your sandwich horoscope? What your favorite sandwich says about you. This holds true for my little brother (tuna) and says interesting things about me (chicken salad is totally my One True Sandwich, but since I'm so picky about my chicken salad I usually settle for turkey).

eta: Added link Have Netflix? Ever come up with a theory about how to maximize your exchange rate? Have a strategy for getting the new releases before they go on a wait list? This article is really well written and absolutely fascinating: How Netflix gets your movies to your mailbox so fast. /eta

This article is remarkably unhelpful. The debate over "soulmates" and has long raged, and somehow still remains interesting, but this article, while promising to ask the question "Does soul-mate-ism prevent us from finding true love?" is actually an excuse to tell a story about how many times the author slapped the label "soulmate" on her romantic partners and then conclude with the brilliant illogic of "holding out for a soul mate may have actually prevented me from finding true love." The hell? A series of failed relationships is not the same as "holding out." Also, Jerry Maguire (which happens to be one of my favorite romantic comedies) was most definitely not a movie about "expectations of being loved perfectly by [a] mythological person." (Although I could be underestimating the nuance of this writer's argument; perhaps she means that, in an interesting reversal of the usual holding-out-for-a-man archetype, Jerry Maguire found his "one.") But the reason I like that movie, for the record, is because of its portrayal of commitment.

The reason I bring this up in my journal (although, really, my motives require no explanation as this journal has no theme) is because soulmates are so very much the fodder of fanfiction. We're always musing on about how very meant-for-each-other two characters are. What is it about the made-for-each-other concept that is so endlessly appealing to human beings?

As for the repeated dissing of "bashert" in the particular article referenced above, I still remember that heartwarming tale told by Michael Rosenbaum back in the day where he spoke about the concept with the woman at the hockey rink (?). The comparison kind of made me want to beat CNN's "The Frisky" columnist over the head with a stick. A hockey stick, even.

I could probably muse about this for longer, because I certainly have an opinion, but I better get back to work. (Part of my morning job involves blogging, but sadly, ranting is not part of my acceptable beat. Heh.) What do you guys think?
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