Well, I managed to fit in a viewing of BSG this week by watching half last night and getting up early to watch the other half this morning. Probably not healthy in the long run, but it was an interesting exercise in finding out if I can actually, physically *hurt* myself in the process of being a fan.
Also, I swear there is *no* ranting here this time, not even disguised. *innocent*
It felt surprisingly pedestrian, for an episode of this show, but at the same time in the treatment of the pilots and the old-fashioned spaceship-show fun, it felt a lot like first season vintage. So that was nice. I managed to enjoy it without feeling as irritably "this better be good after waiting 48 hours to watch it" critical, but I don't have a lot of analysis.
The backstory about Lee's mother is an odd surprise, and I'm not sure I like that suddenly Adama Mama seems so much like what we know of Kara Mama, but at the same time, it explains a LOT. So that's kinda...well. It came out of nowhere, but I'm reserving judgment. There could be good fic out of this. Or the really bad kind with horrible Lee-emoting. Wait and see.
Hm, that's about it. Oh, except Mary O'Donnell was almost totally superfluous in this ep while still being TOTALLY APPEALING and utterly frakking irreplaceable. Damn, that woman's fine.
Eta: Actually, you know, I could say something about Kara, too, because she was *very* "first-season Starbuck" in this ep. Interesting. Also, I don't think I've ever seen the parallel between her and Maverick (from Top Gun) more strongly than in that scene in the ready room. Whoa. I forget that not only is she a little shit on a personal level, she's just kind of casually shitty full-time as well, you know? (I would frakking HATE her in RL. Heh.) /eta
Also, I would just like to say that my prayer to the LJ Void last entry TOTALLY WORKED! The snow all melted! Thus the genesis of my vastly improved mood. Whee!