worst easter egg hunt ever

Nov 22, 2006 01:40

What is it with Veronica Mars? It walks a thin line between totally average (when it's off) and exceptional (when all the little details are really working). Fortunately, in those stupid damn Aerie ads, it now has a hatred magnet to smooth over the rough bits. Seriously, I am *never* buying Aerie crap ever. (Bad ad campaign much?)

Patty Hearst cannot act. Not that that's important.

Dick! Okay, why does Veronica persist in flirting with him? Seriously. I know that's just Veronica's way, but she *is* putting an awful lot of effort in. Much like she used to do with Logan, in their nemesis days.

Lamb! With the pervy phone conversation! Hee! He feels so dirty now. *g*

I loved the Veronica/Logan argument. See, this is the kind of relationship Veronica/Duncan needed to be if it was meant to be valid at all. In TV world, it *is* a matter of either/or, so this is why I'm a Veronica/Logan shipper: in an argument, at least they're evenly matched. I love that I cannot possibly pick a side when it comes to them (at least, not lately). Although the end, where Logan saw that even if Veronica was willing to *say* she loved him, she didn't act like it? *whimper* I can't say much more than that.

I'm fascinated by the Veronica/Logan/Keith dynamic, too. I definitely think Keith should pay attention to Logan's not-so-subtle hint that Veronica is IN TOO DEEP, but at the same time, I can see why he doesn't really want to know whatever Veronica doesn't want to tell him. We've been through that before.

The Veronica/Keith banter was a bit much--as fun as it is, I just never buy it as realistic when it gets that thick. Kinda like much of the banter on Gilmore Girls (speaking of which--I seem to be watching it despite myself, and I'm liking how surprisingly strong the Christopher/Lorelei marriage is!).

You may ask why I am cranky, and, well, without dwelling on it, I will admit my holiday has been hijacked by family functions I was repeatedly assured would *not* be taking place this year, for SURE. *rolls eyes* Serves me right for falling for it. However, I did just finish my annual viewing of Bridget Jones Diary, which never fails to make me feel (oddly enough) all Christmasy. Bonus fun is the supporting cast, of course, because besides the obvious (Mr Darcy), there's Baltar and the girl who played Kate in my favorite version of The Taming of the Shrew.


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