(no subject)

Mar 16, 2004 00:39

12:4o in the A.M. I can't get much sleep anymore. I always end up passing out around 2:30 or something.. that really cannot be too healthy.

Friday can't get here fast enough, and these days just drag.. Here's my schedule of events for the next couple of days. Yeh i know you don't care, but no one's making your read this. So.. skim over it, or suck it up and play along like you care :)

Monday(2day): got my speaker fixed n tanning bed
Tuesday: tanning bed,work 5-10,then a little bit of packing
Wednesday:Oil Change and get my tires rotated, laundry
Thursday:Dinner with gramms,finish packing,go money-collecting
Friday:School then.. BEACH!! :)

There you go..

i realized a lot this weekend
i have never had some many feelings and emotions at the same time or in such a short period of time

i have lost my deal of friends
but have gained many
its not all about how many you have, but the quality of your friendships
fights are ridiculious and a waste of time
life is too short to be mad
i mean, yea you and your friends are going to bump heads, but that doesn't mean your friendship is ruined
if you think just because you have a fight with me that our friendship is over, than you got something else coming to you
relationships are all about how far you are willing to go to work things out
friends are supposed to be understanding, so i will do the same in return
i know people say things they don't mean but there shouldn't be excuses made because you say something out of line or make a mistake
sometimes you say the harshest things to those closest to you.

i know this entry is just a bunch of discombobluated thoughts thrown together at the same time
but like i said a lot of emotions ran through me at once
and i had to let them out
fights are temporary, friendships are permanent
it's important to let those around you know how much they mean to you
you never know when something is going to happen

thank you for everyone that has stuck with me since the beginning
i have had my phases and i know i am changing on everyone
but thank you for being there
even if you dont understand, just letting me know that you are there is enough for me.


My wh0le entire opinion of you has withered away like dust on a windowseal. Yet again, I realize why we are not together, and why we can't be together for a while. You and I both have too much to live for, to just throw it away on a
"fight a night", and a casual sex scene. *fuck off.. please*

"so fold me up, and put me back in the place where you used to keep your heart."

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