I feel obliged to update

Feb 22, 2009 23:16

You know. It's like a post a month or something like that.


... damn, umm... what should I say? "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day"...? Or "If I were that glove upon that hand..."? ...Or something...? I don't know.

Year 12 is getting hard... but somehow it's like everything that's due is English related. Even Art is an essay... raaaargh... I have to start my animation soon... huh... it should be... tedious, I suppose.

Anything interesting happen this month? Went out on Valentine's Day and secretly boo'd at people, I suppose... sorry, I meant... "Quirky Alone Day"... 'cause yeah... totally... though I did meet up with Tarou (yeah, man, you got a mention... I'm do tired to elaboraaaaaaate) later, which was pretty cool... and I went to K yesterday, which was pretty cool too... kinda sleazy though... I didn't think you could have sleazy and Disney in the same K session... but apparently, you can. Shows what kind of people I hang around, I suppose. Oh you guys... sadly, most of you don't have LJ. Damn you guys. Great. Now 'Toxic' is stuck in my head.

I haven't had time to draw lately, but I've been working on a picture in photoshop when I got sick of writing my Ext 2 English draft (which I should finish soon... but am no where near done)

In other news, didn't know, it could hurt that bad. Hah hah hah hah hah. Oh my. Hope I don't turn insomniac



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