Title: Expressions of Refuge
Fandom: Detective Conan
Characters: Edogawa Conan, Haibara Ai
Pairing: none
Rating: K
Genre: Drama/Friendship
Warnings: kinda fluffy
Author’s Note: I don’t know what this is. It hit me, and then it was gone. Tsu-chi suggested I conspire it. The next Conspiracy will be happier and funnier, I promise.
Disclaimer: All characters are copyright to their respective copyright holders.
Summary: Conan always seems to know just what to say.
“Live as if you were already living for the second time.”
-Vince Lombardi
Ninth Conspiracy
Expressions of Refuge
The match flared to life, lighting her face with a soft glow, and she cupped her hand around the flame to keep the wind from blowing it out. She let him bring the incense close enough to light, and then the flame died.
The sun was setting as they sat in silence and the smoky fragrance was swept away in the breeze.
“I’ve wanted to follow her so many times,” Ai said wistfully.
“I promised that I’d protect you.”
She stared at him, feeling lost once again. Then she sighed. “Why is it that whenever I feel like giving up once and for all, you say something that makes everything all better?” Tears began to form as her chest constricted. It was this day, exactly one year ago, that her sister had died.
Conan looked at her with a countenance she couldn’t interpret. “I promised your sister I’d protect you, right before she died. Even without that, I’d have done it anyway. But I never would’ve been able to protect you all on my own.
“Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if I’d just died when I was supposed to. Then, everyone wouldn’t have been put in such danger by being near me. I have a lot of things-a lot of people-I’m willing to protect with my life. None of that means that I want to die.
“You may want to see Akemi-san, but you don’t want to die, Haibara. If you did, then no amount of my protection would have kept you alive.”