Mar 11, 2008 12:56
11 more days left...
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, or well, more than usual. There have been a lot of things on my mind lately and I've just been questioning what I want to do. It honestly is a simple decision to make, all that I really have to think about is how I'm going to tell some certain people about my decision. I pretty much already what I'm going to do. I honestly believe it will be for the best, but who knows, some people may think otherwise...
This next week and a half should be rather interesting. I have 3 midterms this week and practice for PCN. I'm really hoping that everything will start to come together before the show. Kinda sucks I won't really have a spring break, but I think it will be worth it. I'm excited. Hopefully those who said they could go to the show can go. Maybe I'll go to youth on thursday and announce the show to everyone. Depends if I can get away from the FASA meeting or how much gas I have. lol.