(no subject)

Dec 09, 2005 00:08

I just came back from seeing The Chronicles of Narnia. SO GOOD, I loved it! Although, I'm pretty confused. I siriusly need to read the series. Damn bookstores haven't "unpacked" them yet. WTF, THEY SHOULD HAVE THEM READY TO SELL ALREADY.

And when we went into the bookstore, we spotted "Anders 2". We've been waiting for that book for months. When we sat at the theater, dad started reading it. "STOP STOP, NOT FAIR, NOT FAIR!" "stfu, you have one of your own to read, I don't, so leave me alone."

And there was the trailler for Ice Age 2. OMG, SRSLY CAN'T WAIT. Even if it's just for the squirrel, I am so there.

Now, off to get me some CoN icons just because I'm to lazy to make myself some.

movies, narnia, fandom

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