Allison/Lydia rec list!

Mar 08, 2013 00:34

15 Allison/Lydia fic recs. Alphabetized.

[Links, author's notes, and my notes here!]+A Wedding of Errors by The Archer
AN: Allison is a successful wedding planner, working her way up to partner. Lydia is a hardworking doctor, slowly taking over. When they collide, they instantly connect but when Allison is hired to plan Lydia's wedding, the two women are caught between Shakespeare in the park and the plans they had for the rest of their lives. With the clock to the wedding counting down, they must choose between what they know they should do and what (and who) they really want.
Rec notes: Cute. long (which is so rare in rarepairs, but long fics are always my favorites). It was just a cute cute fic. The focus is definitely Allison, and it's her POV, which I love (because I totally think there needs to be more Allison POV). Other pairings are minor and just mentioned and just add to the fun feel of the fic.
+aim our arrows high by listedheart
AN: Lydia and Allison relearn how to be friends. Along the way, they find strength, redemption, and a little something else.
Rec notes: Longer fic (13k) and so so good (as is the corresponding art). Takes on what happens post season 2, and how Allison and Lydia navigate their relationship, with each other and the rest of their peers/the school. We won't see this in season 3, but this fic is enough. I love this. I love that Lydia's and Allison's feelings are acknowledged, justified, and accepted instead of shamed (like fandom does sometimes).
+Date Night by Gorgeous Nerd
AN: Allison and Lydia share fondue...and other things.
Rec notes: Fondue and fruit. And then cocoa butter and sex. Safe sex! With a dental dam! Automatic love from me.
+Figs from thistles by ionthesparrow
AN: “Lydia,” she says without preamble, “I have got to get out of this town.”
Rec notes: Another long fic. Allison POV (yes! and done so well). Angst-filled. Adventure and a little mystery. It's really good read that keeps you engaged.
+like clouds across oceans by afterism
AN: In all the possible universes, three lives that Allison and Lydia are living.
Rec notes: Creative and fantastical. Different from other Allydia fics, but still keeps the relationship (in all the different universes) the way I love it.
+one more dance to help me sleep by redweathertiger
AN: Allison wakes up to a familiar figure seated in the chair beside her hospital bed. She thinks she might be dreaming because it’s been four long years. And if she is being honest with herself, it wouldn’t be the first time Lydia Martin has preoccupied her dreams. “You’re in my city, you know that? It’s inconvenient of you to almost die here,” says Lydia, who is currently focused on a compact mirror and the careful reapplication of blood-red lipstick.
Rec notes: This is my favorite Allydia fic. Both characters are just exactly as I imagine them. I love how the author handles Lydia's story line in season 2. I just, every time I read this I cry. I love this fic a lot.
+Run Away by allyoxin3
AN: AU in which Kate really does take Allison from Beacon Hills, leaving Lydia missing a best friend and Allison miles away in London.
Rec notes: Short, sad, but with a sweet ending. The text messages make this for me. Part of me wishes that we saw this instead of season 2, to be honest.
+Secrets by cadigan
AN: When Allison describes love to her, all the breathless waiting and painful longing, and asks if she knows what it’s like, she says no.
Rec notes: Post 2x06 short fic. Be warned, there's cheating (because, as in canon, Allison is still with Scott at this point). And usually I don't like fics like that, but the way this situation is posed, especially in the context of Lydia constantly being kept in the dark - I liked it.
+target practice by grangerbutstranger
AN: Allison and Lydia shoot things in the woods. And make out. That's really all that happens in this.
Rec notes: Pretty much what the author's summary says. But the most important thing is left out - Allison teaches Lydia first. And it's perfect.
+The patterns moonlight makes by summerstorm
AN: I don't know why I have to be here, Lydia says, the sharpness in her tone turning what begins as a whisper into something that is definitely not. Allison glances back long enough to say, "You're the one who insisted on having a backup plan." "Contingency plan," Lydia grumbles, and the ground crunches loudly under her feet.
Rec notes: Lydia and Allison take on the ~monster of the week~. A fic I'd like to see be an episode. It's fun, plotty, with a spot of angst.
+they write books about this sort of thing by cassiehayes
AN: So maybe Lydia's just as enraptured with the new girl as the rest of the school. And maybe Allison quickly turns into the closest thing she's ever had to a best friend. And maybe she still wants more than that.
Rec notes: Season 1 with an Allydia twist. Fics like this are the reason I love Lydia. Well, they put into words better than I ever could why I love Lydia.
+volat by RonnieMinor
AN: It's cold outside and Allison is sore. Inside, the world is warm and soft and centred around Lydia.
Rec notes: THIS FIC IS LIKE THE DEFINITION OF A WONDERFUL WARM DOMESTIC FIC. I want to live in it. I have a thing for fics that just seem to exude warmth and caring, and this does just that.
+Waiting To Smile by vociferocity
AN: Sometimes only your best friend can heal your broken heart.
Rec notes: Winter/holiday fic. Cuuuuuuuuuuuute.
+What Do You Want For Dinner? by allyoxin3
AN: Allison and Lydia as room-mates in college.
Rec notes: Short and sweet. Domestic fic. Lydia is absolutely great in this.
+your body always kept mine inside of it by timewaslost
AN: Lydia is teetering above her, all smoldering eyes and wild red hair with a glass of wine in her hand.

Rec notes: This is more of a ficlet than anything else. But the writing is poetic, sweet and hot and despite being less than 300 words it feels very complete and  you're satisfied with the small glimpse into their life.

Sometime within the next week, I'll have a rarepairs rec list up too (because yeah spring break!). Probably all of them will be rather lady-centric again. 

allydia, teen wolf, fic rec

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