1. If you have not been a returnbie to
GnH yet, pleeease be grand and join the throngs of storming oldbies.
2. I need eLJay assistance. I'm writing an article about Teh LJ And Blogging World, and why people participate, what makes it appealing, etc. So it would be really, really fabulous if you all would post and talk on:
- I joined November 18, 2004. I'm not sure why though. There must have been a reason, though.
Why have you stayed?
-Why have I stayed? That's a good question. I don't know. I could abandon you all here and now...but I won't. You seem to have the most interesting lives of anyone I (sort-of) know.
Why do I blog?
-Because I have no life, and it takes up time I need to spend.
What are the biggest stereotypes about bloggers? How true are they?
-I don't know any, therefore I can't answer the second part. Sorry.
Is your online self different from your offline self? And in what ways?
-Yes, online, I'm a bit more outgoing, mostly because I have a feeling I'll never meet anyone here. I don't think they know mine, either. Here, I don't care if I don't update. In rl, if I don't do things promptly, I go a bit nuts.
Are you more 'yourself' here or in real life?
-In real life. I'm terribly shy, and introverted.
Are you closer to your online friends, or offline ones?
-Online, because if I don't want to speak to you, I go away and ignore you. I do that with my real life friends and they go into a huff and threaten violence. Sometimes they go through with the threat. Well, one does. Online friends don't do that. Nope. No violence. Mild threats, but it's mostly jokes. My offline friends are...boy-crazy (very, and muchly), mostly. I'm not, well no, I have crushes, but I don't spend my entire day and kill my grades over them. They don't even know about said crushes. And yet online friends do.
Have you met lj people in real life? Did that alter your online relationship, and if so then how? (What I'm getting at - once the anonymity is lost, does a piece of the relationship go with it?)
-I have met LJ people in real life, but no one on my flist. No, because I knew her before LJ. Doesn't count, does it?
Didn't think so.
How have you changed since you began using LJ?
-Wow. In rl, I speak to people less. I don't know.
Has being on LJ negatively affected your real life?
-No, not really, I get yelled at for being on the computer more than I used to, but other than that (because my computer time would have increased anyway), nothing.
How protective are you of your privacy? Do you use your real name, give out addresses/phone numbers/photos?
-A bit protective. I sometimes use my real name (only first, though), which could be a dead giveaway (it's not all that common in the US). No addresses (someone knows what town I live in), no phone numbers. I once put up photo of me, then removed it. I have a few pictures of Greg and his girlfriend posted, as well as my graduation dress, but that's it right now.
Do you have several online diaries? Why?
-No, I have the one, that's it.
If you use multiple blogging sites, how do they stack up?
How would you feel/react if your offline friends found and read your lj? If your parents read it?
-Friends: Iffy, but there isn't much to give away. Parents: Uh-oh. I've suddenly been banned from the computer.
Do you also keep an offline diary? (y'know, with paper ...) How are the two different?
-I did, a few years back, pre my joining LJ. I don't keep it anymore.
Which would be worse: if someone read your online diary, or your offline one? Why?
-My online one. It's more recent, and has a few swearwords in it. My offline one is old, fairly safe, and, as far as I can remember, swear-free.
How much do your online contacts bleed into your real life, if at all?
-I don't think they bleed at all. Yeah, none.
Do you know any people in real life who use lj? Do you read them?
-Yes, Kate and Allison. I don't read them as I don't know their usernames. I don't know if I would even IF I knew them. Very private, you see.
Do you keep your lj secret?
-In rl? Yes. I don't know if anyone in rl knows. Online, no, why bother? I'll probably never meet you, anyway.
Why do you feel safe spilling secrets in cyberspace that you would never tell in rl?
-I don't, really, most of the stuff I post is very general, and I feel like telling people, but no one I know will listen to it.
-I don't think I have any other general thoughts. Sorry *frowns*
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