Nov 08, 2004 16:56
where oh where the fuck did my lj motivation go?
im not even going to try to and explain what's been going on in my life lately. there's been good stuff and bad stuff and in between stuff. the usual.
i dunno man but i feel like ive been so distant from something and i dont know what the fuck and i know im acting different but there's nothing i can do about it but let it pass and i want to feel completely happy but something is just not letting me and i dont know what that something is. it's not any one person i can tell you that much, because im sure someone is going to think it is. but no, it's not. i'm waiting for somehting that i have no clue what it is... like always. brooooo fuck it! everything is cool! why stress nothing, right? so much damn easier said than done.
ANYWAYS. there's this kid right and he's so nice but i just want to punch him because he doesn't shut up. so let me tell you a story of how HIS stories go:
"so my cousin she's 2 and a half and i dont know what to get her for her birthday but i was thinking i should get her a car with the license plate 643790 and speaking of license plates did you hear on the news how the plane crashed and two students survived and i ate chicken on the way to my house right before i watched it on the news and speaking of chicken i hate it when i drink milk and i spill it all over the floor and i cried over it"
YOU DON'T MAKE MOTHER FUCKIN SENSE! haha but it makes me laugh anyways so i decided to talk about it here.
i think the coolest people are the ones that i can't stand. not really, but sometimes.
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. wish me luck you guys. it's a big day for me tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. [shakespeare's macbeth. haha, i incorporated the tomorrow speech within the wish me luck speech. yeah. nevermind].
fucking A my computer is going to crash i know it... and fucking A i say so many bad words. OHHH WEELLL. hey maybe just maybe what i need is a book?
man some people are so... fucked up. OH WELL!!